Wir sind in den Endproben.Ganz viel passiert, nur wenig dürfen wir verraten.Nur soviel: Hier im Schnappschuss verewigt: ...
produced by tellfilm on behalf of SRF Swiss National Television, 2019
The 90minute documentary about life and work of URSUS & NADESCHKIN is now online!
>>> watch it here!
U&N performed their english show SYNCHRONISED SWIMMING – THE DRY VERSION at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2019!
English videos from U&N are now online. Check it out!
Ursus Wehrli's book THE ART OF CLEAN UP just made it's acclaimed release in the US & the UK!
Order online here
Ursus & Nadeschkin produced and performed their 120 minute production «IM ORCHESTER GRABEN» (Engl.: DIGGING IN THE ORCHESTRA PIT) together with the symphony orchestra Camerata. This show thrilled nearly 100'000 spectators across Switzerland so far – and was constantly sold out!
Ursus was invited to the congress of Technology, Entertainment and Design in Monterey (TED), California (Feb 21-25, 2006) to present his book "Tidying Up Art".
>>> check it out
Frequently updated: OUR TOUR DIARY! (again, mostly in German, sorry about that! But at least the pictures are in English)